iCAO Approved Provider

mob.id for organizations
workflow description

Thank you for your interest in our services. Mob.id uses highly secured approach in every aspect of work. To grant access for your development team you need to follow below mentioned steps. After you finish the form, make sure that each of your employees installed mob.id app and created their identities. It will be essential for accessing the dashboard and SDK documentation.

  • Fraud is enabled by unverified users
  • Compliance requirements by law or partners to verify users
  • Assurance, no transparency verification process
  • Very high compliance fines
  • KYC processes are very time consuming
  • Due to complex processes low data quality
  • Due to long waiting time and paper trail, low turnaround rate
  • Onboarding of new customers and employees are cumbersome

How to start?

To begin the registration process fill out the
registration form

Our team will prepare environment and the license for your organization

Login to the dashboard to start using Mob.id
Still have any questions? You can book a demo or reach us out on support@mobid.com